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can change your life.

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Real Hope.

Light gray background with scattered dark gray lines and dots. A smiling picture of Morolake Akinosun overlaps a picture of Scott Hamilton reclined in a white chair with his hands behind his head. In the bottom left corner is a black and white image of Albert Pujols looking sideways at the camera while holding a baseball bat with one hand. #FFFFFF #F33645 #12284C #14294A #14294A A background image of a lightly textured canvas with yellow-orange brush strokes and light and dark line scribbles. Overlapping photos of Brian “Head” Welch resting his head on his arm, Mike Fisher and Carrie Underwood smiling while sitting around a wooden table and Gene “No Malice” Thornton sitting a white chair. Underneath the photos is an image of papers strewn across a table and a pair of headphones. #FFFFFF #F33645 #12284C #14294A #14294A A background image that looks like a film negative of torn magazine pages. A picture of Christian Hosoi in a black t-shit and fedora overlayed by an image of a barbed wire fence. Below it are two photos of Duche Bradley holding up peace signs while sitting in a white chair, and Shane Kampe looking to the side in a white chair. #FFFFFF #ffffff #feb52b #ffffff #ffffff A mint green background with a marbled texture. Photos overlapping one another of Amanda Jane Cooper standing in a black shirt looking ahead, a headshot of Chaz Smith laughing, Myrka Dellanos sitting in a white chair and a black and white image of a recording set with equipment. #FFFFFF #ffffff #12284C #14294A #14294A A dark blue marbled background with scattered dark speckles dotted throughout. A smiling picture of Granger and Amber Smith overlaps a picture of Jeff and Cheryl Scruggs sitting in a white chair. In the bottom left is a picture of David and Tamela Mann having a happy conversation. #FFFFFF #F33645 #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff
Background Texture Image

Tell Your Story

Your story matters! Confidently share how Jesus changed your life with a friend following these easy steps. Learn how to tell someone your story in 30 seconds and then tell us how it went using #iamsecondday


Know God’s Story

God’s story is simple but complex, so we’ve created a series of five short videos to help you understand it and share it. Grab a pen and paper, watch the videos and start sharing God’s story in no time.

Group gathered around